Romanticise It All

If you’ve been feeling heavy, tired, overwhelmed, stress-y, nail-bitey, unsure or left behind lately, I would like to remind you that you are not alone.

You’re not alone, you’re not broken, you’re not wrong, you’re human and maybe, just maybe it’s time to celebrate how truly wild it is that you’re here and you’re alive on the planet in this specific moment. I mean (!!) What are the chances (!!?) (They’re very, very slim) !!!

Today, I’m sharing a list I like to refer to when I’m feeling the fear roll around in my bones. When I feel all dried up instead of overflowing from every pore. When I’m falling into thinking I need to rush and force instead of remembering how important it is to pause and celebrate all that already is first.

We can tell ourselves we don’t have enough time or resources from here until the end of the earth and while it may technically be true, taking small and regular moments to celebrate, to breathe, to be in the body and indulge in the treats of a physical existence on earth no matter what, is the medicine, is the re-wiring of our system into believing and knowing it is is safe to enjoy, to celebrate and to pause first. Slowly, over time, our body learns: celebration, softness and daily drops of (our own version of) romance is what fuels us to move through the hard stuff when it inevitably comes.

Let me know what you would add to the list :) I could go on forever !

🤍 Buy a magazine and read it in a coffee shop alone, one page at a time, without looking at your phone. Wear lipstick, if you like. Order the sparkling water, just because you can.

🤍 Find ways to move your body that mostly feel really, really good and do it often. No amount of time is too small. Jump up and down, shake your limbs and make wild sounds. Walk around the block three times and say hello to all the flowers. Sit on the floor and stand up a few times without using your hands. Move in a way that makes you smile. Move in a way that makes you laugh at yourself, lovingly. Roll around on the grass. Find a teacher you feel safe with. Move your body as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. From bed. In your pyjamas. With a glass of something as you cook dinner. While you spill litres of tea with a friend.

🤍 Light a candle in the evenings. That’s it. You probably already do it, but if not, trust me on this.

🤍 Close your eyes and imagine the most alive, ripest, juiciest peach version of yourself. Return to the image like a mantra. You are her. She is already you.

🤍 Stop saving things for a special occasion. Is there a more special occasion than being alive? Do you even understand how crazy it is to be here? How happy we all are to have you? Getting through the day is a special occasion. Wear your favourite clothes as often as you like. Spritz rose water over your entire body. Use the ceramics you spent way too much money on. Write with the messy, expensive pen. Wear perfume oil to bed (especially when sleeping alone).

🤍 Read books, because you deserve it. But also watch reality tv, or your favourite series on repeat, if it helps you to feel warm.

🤍 Curate playlists for specific moods and let music cleanse and infuse your home, your office, your car, the space between your ears (feel free to steal mine too).

🤍 Move your furniture around until you feel the sensation of your body softening, just a little more.

🤍 Repeat gently, cheekily, when needed: I am not in a rush. Walk a little slower. Leave a single minute earlier. Repeat. Increase when the time is right.

🤍 Date yourself, sweetly and aggressively. Romance your favourite people as if your life depends on it. Buy your mother flowers. Make chocolate covered strawberries for your best friend. Link arms. Skip down the street together. Remember to say I love you, when you feel it.

🤍 Buy proper pots for your houseplants. They (and you) have long outgrown the plastic ones they arrived in.

🤍 Spend time making things with your hands. Fried eggplants. Pickled seasonal vegetables. A flower garden. Handwritten letters. Jewellery. Mudra. Nail art. Curled hair.

Okay indulge me for a moment !

🤍 Join TDR studio for a single month, or a whole season to infuse yourself in a digital cocoon where movement, rest, growth and expansion are supported and encouraged from a place of romance and joy, not scarcity or force. This month, our focus in Replenishment, through movement, rest, community connection and workshops we spend more time in our ripe and juicy peach era, even when shit needs to get done ;)


Romance is a fuel for life


Tokyo Diaries